Anything But Transparent: What The Expansion Of The Transparency Reporting Pilot May Mean In The Family Courts In England And Wales? | mondaq


Since April 2009, when press attendance was first permitted in family courts, there has been continued debate regarding balancing respect for the private lives of those litigating in the family court with protecting the public interest in what happens legal proceedings.

Open justice – the idea that justice should not just be done but should be seen to be done – is an important principle which underpins the idea of increasing transparency.

Family courts make important decisions about arrangements for children and the financial implications of separation, and the public should be aware of what is going on in these courts. Increasing understanding and awareness of the decisions made by the family court can help to bring much needed clarity regarding the court’s approach, which makes it easier for those seeking to negotiate their own solutions outside of the court process (whether financial or regarding how their children share their time with their parents) .

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