‘He’s living, our daughter isn’t’: Mothers call for longer jail time for killings at home | ITV News


Ellie Gould, Meghan Newborough and Poppy Devey Waterhouse were all violently murdered in their homes – now their mothers are spearheading a campaign to change the law because of it.

Poppy Devey Waterhouse, 24, was stabbed more than 20 times by her ex-boyfriend Joe Atkinson just days before they moved out of their flat. He was jailed for 15 years.

Ellie Gould, 17, from Calne in Wiltshire was murdered in her parents’ kitchen by her ex-boyfriend Thomas Griffiths. He was jailed for a minimum of 12 and a half years.

Meghan Newborough, aged 23, was murdered by work colleague Ross McCullum at his parents’ home after they has started a relationship. He was jailed for a minimum term of 23 years.

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